Vianney Halter

In the early days of his watchmaking career was when Michael met Vianney Halter, who was beginning to make headlines as an independent watchmaker with mechanically masterful and futuristic designs.

Known for producing limited-edition timepieces and bespoke creations, which are highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts, these days, Vianney's creations are celebrated for their innovation, craftsmanship, and exclusivity, contributing to their enduring appeal in the horology community.

A young at heart space buff and ardent Star Trek aficionado, Vianney's artelier, which his daughter calls 'his playground', features a photo wall of space and Star Trek related visuals. His interest in all things space and Star Trek propelled him to request William Shatner (aka "Admiral James T. Kirk") to wear his Deep Space Resonance on the actor's Blue Origin flight in 2021. Both the 90 year-old and the watch survived the flight and Shatner and Vianney remained in contact.

Considering the high technical expertise that goes into each and every Vianney Halter timepiece, IHT is indeed privileged to be trusted by the brand.

Vianney Halter
Vianney Halter
Vianney Halter
Vianney Halter